O2 Academy Leeds Tickets
55 Cookridge Street, Leeds, LS2 3AW, Great Britain
Get Directions(Opens in new tab)All Events and Add-Ons 63 results
- 05/04/2025Saturday 18:00The Smyths (Tribute to The Smiths)
- 12/04/2025Saturday 18:00Skunk AnansieLimited Availability
- 09/05/2025Friday 18:00The Clone Roses, Definitely Mightbe, Happy Mondaze
- 10/05/2025Saturday 18:00The K's - Pretty On the Internet TourLow Availability
- Presale: 15/01/2025, 10:0016/05/2025Friday 19:00Tony Visconti and Woody Woodmansey - HOLY HOLY A Celebration of Bowie
- 21/06/2025Saturday 19:00Martin Kemp - the Ultimate Back To the 80's DJ SetCancelled
- 05/07/2025Saturday 15:00Brutus Gold's Love Train - Summer Disco Party
Venue Details
Always check travel before you head out, you can find out everything you know about our local transport links and the easiest way to get to us, on our Venue Info page.
Email: mail@o2academyleeds.co.uk
Tel: 0113 389 1555
Calls will cost 7 ppm plus your network access charge.
If you're picking up tickets for a show that you're attending, you just need to come to the Box Office when the doors open on the day of the event. These tickets cannot be made available earlier.
Tickets held for collection can be collected from the venue on the day of the event. Please take the credit card used to make the booking and your Ticketmaster reference number with you.
We strongly recommend using public transport whenever possible, but for details on local parking and other travel information click our Venue Info page.
The venue is accessible for wheelchair users.
To book tickets for O2 Academy Leeds please contact the venue direct via email disabledbookings@o2academyleeds.co.uk with your access requirements, telephone number and the show you wish to see in order to make a booking. A small percentage of access tickets will be available through presale (but these will not be processed until the onsale date- please include details of your presale eligibility when emailing) and the rest of the tickets can be booked from the general on sale time, and cannot be reserved before this.
If you have any queries regarding this please contact the venue prior to the on sale date to avoid disappointment.
All e-mails will be responded to in the order they are received. And you will then be contacted via telephone for the booking to be taken if the event has not already sold out.
Spaces are limited and will be sold on a first come first served basis and you must book directly through the venue to ensure access to the facilities at O2 Academy Leeds. Should you book via another outlet we cannot guarantee access to the facilities.
Once you have been in contact with the venue you will be sent a confirmation letter which must be brought with you to the venue.
You can also contact the box office through text relay for information on 18002 0113 381 1555 should this be required.
No cameras, video cameras or audio recording. No food, bottles, cans or alcohol to be brought onto the premises. No smoking.
Security measures are in place so there will be bag checks on arrival.
Only one small bag per person is permitted, and it must not be bigger than A4 size.
Height: 29.7cm
Width: 21cm
Depth: 15cm
Large bags, including rucksacks, are not allowed and there are no facilities to leave any luggage so please make alternative arrangements.
If you really have to bring a bag and its preferable you don't, please make sure its small. Only one small bag per person is permitted and it must not be bigger than A4 size.
Height: 28.7cm
Width: 21cm
Depth 15cm
Gigs: The minimum age is 8 unless with written permission from venue management. Under 14s must be accompanied by an adult, no more the two under 14 year olds per adult.
When the balcony is open for an event all under 14s and accompanying adults must buy balcony tickets.
Children under 8 years old will not be allowed in the building without the prior consent of the General Manager.
Clubs: Strictly over 18s (Photographic ID may be required)
Seating chart
Select the event to see the seating chart. Check availability above or on the event page.
O2 Academy Leeds
This map doesn't reflect availability